Traders with an Edge is a community for financial market traders that either have, or would like to have, an edge in their trading.

All clients of The Traders Edge are automatically members of the community, but anyone can join the community – at no cost! Simply tap the button above to join or sign in.

As a member, you will have access to “members only” resources and features, including groups, discussions, and training (with even more in the pipeline) that will help you keep or gain that “edge” in your trading.

Members also have access to the JSE and global markets from one trading account with our partner brokers Velocity Trade. A “demo” account allows you to practise trading real markets with virtual funds using the versatile Velocity Trader web, mobile, or desktop app – and then when you are ready to go live you can activate your “live” trading account! It costs nothing and only takes a few minutes to set up your “demo” account, but the experience gained is priceless – and the “live” trading fees and deposit requirements are amongst the lowest anywhere!

In addition, members are rewarded for their community activity with the awarding of Activity Points and Experience Points, which lead to an increase in their community ranking and the earning of Edgits (our community currency), which can be used when making purchases (coming soon).

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You are welcome to contact Dave should you need any information, assistance, guidance, or advice along the way to your financial freedom!

Let’s get the Traders EDGE together!