Bundled EDGE!

Chart Pattern Engine MetaStock R/T Bundle

$2 599
$2 545

You SAVE $291 PLUS
$54 with your Pricing EDGE!

Now scanning and identifying chart patterns is easy with this MetaStock Real Time Add-On Bundle. The Fulgent Chart Pattern Engine (CPE) is based on 17 years of pattern research to deliver a truly amazing tool for traders and investors, and is bundled together with MetaStock R/T 17 for one low price!

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Fulgent Chart Pattern Engine

There are many ways to trade the market, but there is one thing on which all technical analysts agree – chart patterns are the essence of technical analysis and the key to successful trading.

The Fulgent Chart Pattern Engine (CPE) is based on 17 years of pattern research by Nirvana Systems, Inc. Its subsidiary, Fulgent Technologies, LLC has integrated CPE with MetaStock to deliver a truly amazing tool for traders and investors.

  • Scans and identifies 12 pattern types
  • Includes a powerful yet simple Expert Advisor that shows you where the patterns are and provides additional information on trading the patterns
  • User-configurable colored highlights over the patterns
  • A single-patterns Exploration and 12 separate Explorations so you can scan for all patterns or just your favorites
  • User-defined interface to activate specific patterns in the Expert Advisor
cpe monitor