Affiliates with an Edge

Affiliates of The Traders Edge can promote our products and services to earn an extra income!

Instead of paying other companies to advertise and promote our website, products, and services, we decided to rather share any income generated with fellow traders that share and promote the products and services they use to their family, friends and associates.

Our Affiliate system gives you the opportunity to earn an income from your investment trading AND from referring the tools and services you use to others.

Money CAN grow on trees with our Affiliate system, which operates as a tree structure with unlimited root branches that can each have up to 5 offshoots

This means that every trader that you directly refer becomes a root branch of your tree (a member of your team), and you will share in whatever income they and their branches generate - up to 5 off-shooting branches!

Isn't this then a Ponzi or Pyramid Scheme?

Not at all! Network Marketing or Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) is comprised of individuals promoting actual products or services to the public - often by word of mouth and social sharing. The main idea behind the MLM strategy is to generate a maximum number of promoters for the product and exponentially increase the marketing team. The promoters get commission on the sale of the product as well as compensation for income generated by their referrals. The compensation plan in multi-level marketing is therefore structured such that commission is paid to individuals at multiple levels when a single sale is made, and this commission depends on the total volume of sales generated.

Pyramid Schemes are, however, fraudulent schemes, disguised as an MLM strategy. The difference between a pyramid scheme and a lawful MLM system is that there is no real product that is sold in a pyramid scheme. Participants attempt to make money solely by recruiting new participants into the program. The hallmark of these schemes is the promise of sky-high returns in a short period of time for doing nothing other than handing over your money and getting others to do the same.

Avoid any system where the reward for recruiting new members is more than it is for promoting products. That's a time-tested and traditional tip-off to a pyramid scheme.

Why this is not a Pyramid Scheme:

  • We do not require any up-front or ongoing investment into our Affiliate system
  • We only encourage you to personally invest into or trade legitimate financial markets through legitimate brokers using legitimate trading platforms
  • We also strongly encourage you to invest into the products and services that can boost your trading and personal investments - but it is not a requirement
  • We give you the opportunity to share in any potential profits when traders utilise the products and services we provide for boosting their trading
  • To generate referral income for yourself, all that is required is to share or promote the products and services that we provide and that you may be using yourself
  • Commission is shared between you, your direct referrals, and their direct referrals - but only up to a maximum of 5 levels (or branches) so as to ensure that everyone benefits fairly
  • We give you the opportunity to grow and nurture your (money) tree and its branches so as to maximise income opportunity for all

Your Referral Code

Every affiliate has a unique referral code that will keep track of who you referred and ensure that you earn all commissions that you are entitled to. This code should be used with any link to our website that you share with others, which will ensure that you will be credited if your referral makes any purchase within 3 months,

Simply add "?ru=your_code" (without the quotes) to the end of the address of any page on our website to make the address your own unique referral link that you can share with others.

We also provide tools that will generate unique referral links for you and make it easy for you to share your referral links.

We will also provide banners, emails, and other tools to help you to successfully share and promote our products and services.

You should ensure that you set your preferred referral code when you first become an affiliate. You can choose from a list of predefined codes or specify your own unique code.

Your Referral Team - the Root Branches of Your Tree

When you become an affiliate, you will be a new branch of your referrers tree (their 1st level), and you can start budding branches of your own tree (if you want).

Every person you refer will become a branch of your tree (a member of your team) and they can also start growing their own tree, and so on...

You will start off as a Tier 1 Affiliate and will earn a commission from any purchases or subscriptions of your root branches (your 1st level).

You will become a Tier 2 Affiliate once you have 2 referrals or branches, and you will then also earn a commission from any purchases or subscriptions generated through the root branches of your direct referrals (your 2nd level).

You can have unlimited direct referrals or root branches, and once you have 5 or more direct referrals or branches, you will be a Tier 5 Affiliate and will be entitled to earn a commission from any generated purchases or subscriptions of all sub-branches up to 5 levels deep! In other words, you can earn commission from those you referred, from those they referred, from those they referred, from those they referred, and from those they referred!

If you refer at least 5 traders and they end up referring 5 traders, who each refer 5 traders, and so on for 5 levels - you will have the potential to earn commission on the purchases or subscriptions of close to 4000 traders - by directly referring only 5 traders!

Commission Breakdown

OmniTrader Software (including Bundles, Upgrades, and Plug-Ins)30%
shared over 5 levels
Income FromShare of CommissionPercentage of Income GeneratedQualifying Affiliate
Level 133.33%10%Tier 1
Level 226.67%8%Tier 2
Level 320%6%Tier 3
Level 413.33%4%Tier 4
Level 56.67%2%Tier 5
MetaStock Software (including Bundles, Upgrades, and Add-Ons)20%
shared over 5 levels
Income FromShare of CommissionPercentage of Income GeneratedQualifying Affiliate
Level 130%6%Tier 1
Level 225%5%Tier 2
Level 320%4%Tier 3
Level 415%3%Tier 4
Level 510%2%Tier 5
Market Data Subscriptions (including DataLink and Xenith)Recurring 15%
shared over 5 levels
Income FromShare of CommissionPercentage of Income GeneratedQualifying Affiliate
Level 133.33%5%Tier 1
Level 226.67%4%Tier 2
Level 320%3%Tier 3
Level 413.33%2%Tier 4
Level 56.67%1%Tier 5

Your Earned Commission

You have the opportunity to earn a commission on any purchase or subscription by your direct referrals, their direct referrals, and so on up to 5 levels deep.

You will earn a Level 1 commission on any income generated through your direct 1st level referrals, a Level 2 commission on any income generated through their direct referrals (your 2nd level), a Level 3 commission on any income generated through your 3rd level, a Level 4 commission on any income generated through your 4th level, or a Level 5 commission on any income generated through your 5th level,

The base prices of our products and services are in US Dollars, so you will earn commission based on the US Dollar price paid for purchases or subscriptions, which will be converted to your base currency (eg SA Rands) at the prevailing bank exchange rate.

For example, if a referral subscribes to the XENITH Real-Time Data and News Service for $99 monthly, you would earn a monthly commission of $5 (*R78) if a level 1 referral, $4 (*R62) if a level 2 referral, $3 (*R47) if a level 3 referral, $2 (*R31) if a level 4 referral, or $1 (*R16) if a level 5 referral.

One level 1 subscription ($5), 3 level 2 subscriptions ($12), 12 level 3 subscriptions ($36), 60 level 4 subscriptions ($120), and 300 level 5 subscriptions ($300) would give you a total earning of $473 (*R7330) monthly!

Should a referral purchase OmniTrader for $495 once-off, you would earn a one-time commission of $49.50 (*R768) if a level 1 referral, $39.60 (*R614) if a level 2 referral, $29.70 (*R460) if a level 3 referral, $19.80 (*R307) if a level 4 referral, or $9.90 (*R154) if a level 5 referral.

If each of your referral tree branches has an average of 5 offshoots up to 5 levels, you could potentially earn over $4600 (*R71 300) in a year (using just those figures).

Commissions earned may need to be approved before becoming available so as to cater for processing time, money back guarantees, etc. All approved commission will be available to withdraw or to transfer to your wallet.

Any earned commission that you transfer to your wallet will be available to apply to any personal purchases on our website.

You will also be able to request a payout directly to your bank or via a payment processor such as PayPal (less any processing fees).

Affiliate Terms and Conditions

Please ensure that you have read and understood the Affiliate Terms and Conditions. Your continued use of our affiliate system indicates your continued acceptance of these terms and conditions.